How do you tell those big brown eyes that there is no food? That crack you just heard is your heart breaking.

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Break out your dollar bills, people – these sexy black bears give new meaning the art of pole dancing! And you've gotta love their beary body positivity message: you don't have to be a Size 2 to let it all hang out. Shake it baby... shake what your mama bear gave you!

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If the recipe calls for hair of the dog, then you're going to need another pup. Preferably one that actually has hair.

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They might look like oversized raccoons, but these "fire foxes" will light up your day with their adorable shenanigans. Hailing from the Cincinnati Zoo, there's no animals cooler than these hot red pandas!

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This airboat guide will do anything for a smattering of applause and assumedly tips. It’s amazing that he didn’t sink to the bottom of swamp with those brass balls of his. And seriously, DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME. Because you taste like chicken, trust us.

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