10 New Year’s Resolutions Every Pet Owner Needs to Make

10 New Year’s Resolutions Every Pet Owner Needs to Make

1. I will walk my dog twice a day, every day.

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Image source: Instagram

2. I will stop using my pet as an excuse to take selfies.

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Image source: Instagram

3. I will invest in the expensive but healthy pet food.

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Image source: Instagram

4. I will not let my dog sleep on my bed. He has a dog bed for a reason.

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Image source: Instagram

5. I will resist buying every adorable outfit for my pet that I see.

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Image source: Instagram

6. I will try to limit my number of Instagram posts about my pet (even though it never stops being cute).

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Image source: Instagram

7. I will stop trying to make my pet Youtube famous.

8. Or Vine famous...

9. I will try to like people as much as I like my pet.

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Image source: Instagram

10. I will keep the conversations with my pet to a minimum.

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(Watch the video of Taylor Swift talking to her cat)


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